Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rain rain, stay stay stay.

A lot of people have been praying for rain, and it looks like our prayers have been answered.  For several days rain has just been slowly coming down.  It just doesn't stop.  This is the kind of rain we need.  The slow downpour of rain.  Not to say that the rain is bad, the rain is great, but the way it is coming down is similar to the way Satan attacks us.  Slow, unyielding, grinding attack.  Slowly picking away at our barriers.  We should all enjoy the rain.  But don't forget that there is someone doing to your spiritual walls, what the rain is doing to the ground.


  1. That is so true Sean. Satan doesn't usually get us with the big thing but the little things on a day to day basis. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Mom.
